EB1A Success Stories
The Law Offices of Deacon Zhang, P.C. has over twenty years of experience specializing in EB1A immig...read more →

川普总统今天签署新的新政命令,因应中国人民解放军获取美国敏感科学技术和智慧财产用以装备其军队以及可能对美国国家安全造成的威胁,美国将暂停那些接受中国军民融合技术项目支持或与军民融合技术有关的中国学生,...read more →

自新冠状疫情在中美先后爆发以来,张大钦律师事务所接到了比平时多数倍的B2延期申请咨询。尽管网上陆陆续续已经有很多疫情原因B2延期的攻略,但考虑到合法身份对于个人的重要性,很多谨慎的客人还是希望能够有专...read more →

Mr. Lee is a world-renowned leader in the medical device andintelligent home industry. As thegenera...read more →

Visatopia Opens New Office in Silicon Valley, Starting May 1, 2019
May 1, 2019 visatopia Visatopia is expanding into Silicon Valley. Our fourthbranch office, located a...read more →

New Adjudication Standard for NIW petitions – A More Flexible Framework
In a precedent decision issued on December 27, 2016, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ (USC...read more →

Nunc Pro Tunc – A Possible Relief to Late Filed Applications
Time is of the essence in immigration matters. Failing to file an application in time can result in ...read more →

International Entrepreneur Parole Now In Effect
The International Entrepreneur Rule (IER) was published during the Obama Administration to provide i...read more →

EB-5 Regional Center Program Extended Through January 19, 2018
The EB-5 program was created by Congress in 1990 to stimulate the U.S. economy through job creation ...read more →

Applicable Grace Periods Upon H-1B Denial and Termination
The present briefing summarizes the rules governing grace periods applicable upon denial or withdraw...read more →